nursery rhymes (filastrocca) in inglese

Nursery Rhymes in inglese per bambini: Do you have a pet?

Anche oggi siamo pronti con una bella nursery rhymes (filastrocca) in inglese adatta a tutti i bambini della primaria e dell’infanzia e dedicata ai nostri amici a quattro zampe!

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Altre nursery rhymes in inglese:

Nursery Rhymes in inglese: Do you have a pet?

Do you have a pet?

Yes, I have a dog.

I have a pet.

He is a dog.

And he says, “Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof. Woof woof.”

I have a cat.

I have a pet.

She is a cat.

And she says, “Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. Meow meow.”

I have a mouse.

I have a pet.

He is a mouse.

And he says, “Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak. Squeak squeak.”

Woof woof.

Meow meow.

Squeak squeak.

I have a bird.

I have a pet.

He is a bird.

And he says, “Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet. Tweet tweet.”

I have a fish.

I have a pet.

She is a fish.

And she says, “Glub, glub, glub, glub, glub. Glub glub.”

I have a lion.

A lion?!

I have a pet.

He is a lion.

And he says, “Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar. Roar roar.”

Tweet tweet.

Glub glub.


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