filastrocca inglese per bambini scuola primaria

Filastrocca inglese per bambini: The Garden Year

Filastrocca inglese per bambini

Una nuova filastrocca inglese per bambini ci attende! Dopo “You know that Monday is sunday’s brother” dedicata ai bimbi più piccoli della primaria, oggi ve ne proponiamo una più adatta a bambini della seconda e terza elementare.

Stampala e consegnala i tuoi alunni!

Le altre Filastrocche:

The Garden Year

anuary brings the snow;

Makes our feet and fingers glow.

February brings the rain;

Thaws the frozen pond again.

March brings the wind so cold and chill;

Drives the cattle from the hill.

April brings us sun and showers,

And the pretty wildwood flowers.

May brings grass and leafy trees,

Waviang in each gentle breeze.

June brings roses, fresh and fair,

And the cherries ripe and rare.

July brings the greatest heat,

Cloudless skies and dusty street.

August brings the golden grain;

Harvest time is here again.

Mild September brings us more

Fruit and grain, for winter store.

Brown October brings the last

Of ripening gifts, from summer past.

Dull November brings the blast:

Down from the trees the leaves fall fast.

Cold December ends the rhyme

With blazing fires and Christmas time

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