Aspire to Inspire – Roma 29 Nov 2017 On a journey with Educo

Aspire to Inspire – On a journey with Educo arriva anche a Roma. La nostra giornata di formazione rivolta ai Docenti di lingua inglese delle scuole private e pubbliche/paritarie di ogni ordine e grado.
Un opportunità da non perdere!!!

Programma del Convegno Aspire to Inspire – Roma

08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:30 Welcome – New Opportunities with Educo e ILA – by Raffaele Nasti e Maria Sarandria
09:30 – 10:30 Plenary: Update on the Invalsi English Test: practical ideas and activities to prepare your students – by Donatella Fitzgerald
10:30 – 11:30 CLIL: come veicolare in modo corretto lingua e contenuto- by Loretta Aguzzi
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 -12:45 Workshop: Motivating Young Learners In & Out Of The ESL Classroom – by Emily Howe
12:45 – 13:00 Conclusions


Donatella Fitzgerald


Donatella Fitzgerald is a teacher and teacher trainer. Her special interest research areas are Extensive Reading, CLIL, Technology Enhanced Language Learning, SEN and Assessment. She was the former Area Manager South of Oxford University Press and is now ELT Sales Manager Pearson.


This presentation will give an overview of the latest updates on the Invalsi Exam for English and suggest practical ideas and activities for preparing students for the tests.

Emily Howe

Emily is the writer and creator of ILA’s CLIL Workshops and current English camp courses. She also manages ILA’s recruitment and various staff training programmes, and has just completed her first set of ESL teaching workbooks for ILA Progetti.
Trained in Sydney, London and Los Angeles, Emily is a graduate of the UEA and Trinity affiliated Mountview Conservatorium for the Arts and has over 20 years of experience on stage, film and television worldwide to add to her work with ESL.


This workshop is based on ILA’s Methodological approach and programmes, and is all about getting your students involved and eager to learn. We will explore the five top ways to motivate ESL students and how to implement them using CLIL, the right realia, drama, art, music, communicative games and age appropriate activities. This workshop will also cover alternative methods for teaching grammar and pronunciation and how to tackle high volumes of vocabulary without demotivating your students.


Loretta Aguzzi

Loretta Aguzzi, laureata in lingua e letteratura inglese. Ha lavorato in Francia per una banca privata italiana svolgendo attività di interprete e traduttrice ed occupandosi della startup della filiale di Parigi. Ha poi seguito per la stessa società la filiale di Bordeaux per la riorganizzazione dell’ufficio stesso. Si è occupata di seguire una rubrica come traduttrice per il Sole 24 ore. Ha lavorato come Educational consultant per la Richmond Publishing durante la collaborazione in esclusiva della stessa per l’Italia con la casa editrice Bulgarini svolgendo workshop e formazione in diversi ambiti compreso il Clil e seguendo la stesura dei testi per l’insegnamento della lingua inglese in Italia. Ha una lunga e ricca esperienza lavorativa come insegnante di lingua inglese e Camp Director nei Campi Estivi in inglese di EDUCO.


This Presentation and workshop prepares for the implementation of CLIL methodology in the classroom, with emphasis on the practical aspect through workshop activities. The aim is to provide teachers with materials, tools and ideas to be used in the classroom setting.


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